Latest JAMB Form 2022 UTME Registration Instructions

Stay on this site to get the latest news on the JAMB 2022 form procurement procedure, and the newly issued teachings on the 2022 UTME Registration process.

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So the first topic is:

Is the JAMB form for 2022/2023 out?

Well, the response is: No.

The JAMB Registration form for the 2022 entry procedure has not been disclosed.

However, what we possess is an announcement of when the registration procedure has been slated to commence.

According to the regulatory organisation, the enrollment is to commence on the 8th of April, 2022. And stop on the 29th of May, 2022.

Now that you understand that, you would like to  know:

What are the necessities for JAMB 2022?

This is a list of documents that you would have to amass, and provisions you would have to get to fulfil to enrol successfully for JAMB 2022:

  • A profile: You would be expected to develop a profile unique to To achieve this, you will require a SIM digit that has not been utilized recently by anyone to enrol for UTME.

Undoubtedly, to perfect the opening of your profile, you would be asked to provide a password to protect this account.

Therefore, please make sure that you do not disclose this password to anyone.  Not even at the enrollment point

Also, take note not to enrol more than once to avoid sanctions. Instead, if in the protocol of registering you come up against any difficulties, you should report such to the regulatory body

  • NIN( National Identification Number).

To continue to develop your profile, you would need to communicate your NIN to the number: 55019. To generate this E- Pin.

Read this: NIN enrollment process and guidelines, to learn all you desire to know about enrolling for NIN.

Also, examine this: JAMB New NIN policy, to see how the NIN can affect your JAMB 2022

  • E-Pin: the E- Pin is a 10 digit number

that should be allotted to you after payment or your JAMB enrollment expense.

This digit is exceptional to you, and you should take care to protect it. This is because anyone with access to it can access your JAMB profile and make unauthorized alterations.

Where to enrol for JAMB 2022.

You need to pay attention to this;

Please do not go to any cybercafe or internet centre to ask for help in doing your JAMB enrollment.

However, be informed that the sole people authorised by the regulatory body to carry out the enrollment procedure are the accredited CBT centres around Nigeria.

Therefore, here is a list of all the accredited CBT centres in Nigeria  for you.

JAMB 2022 Registration fee

The primary JAMB enrollment fee is a sum of #3500.

You would pay this to get your E-Pin and to ain access the enrollment procedure.

However, there are other additional fees that you would have to pay:

#500 to receive the mandatory study text.

#700 as a commission to the CBT enrollment Centres handling the enrollment procedure.

So altogether, you will want a total of #4700 to enrol for JAMB in 2022.

JAMB 2022 starting date. 

The commencement date for the basic 2022 UTME assessment has not been circulated by the body in charge.

However, what we possess are the authorized dates on which enrollment for the assessment is to commence.

Enrollment is to begin on 8th April 2022 and stop on 29th May 2022.

Good luck as you continue with your preparations!

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