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English Jamb Past Questions and Answers 2023 and 2024 with Complete Solutions

english jamb past questions and answers

Last updated on October 17th, 2024 at 11:31 am

This is a comprehensive 120 questions and answers from the last 2 years of Jamb. It is a lengthy post but we have done our best to provide solutions to each question, if you are in a haste and need the pdf instead, click here to also download for other years, the pdf contains questions and answers from 2000 to 2024.

  1. Choose the word that has the same rhyme scheme as “battle”.


  • A. raffle
  • B. latter
  • C. bitter
  • D. kettle

Solution: The word battle ends with the sound “-tle.” When you look at the options, the word raffle ends with “-fle,” latter and bitter both end with “-ter,” but kettle ends with “-tle,” which shares the same sound pattern as battle.

  • Battle and kettle share the same rhyming ending, making them perfect rhymes.

Answer: D. kettle

  1. The words in capital letters have the emphatic stress. Choose the option that best relates to the given sentence: “I bought my WIFE a red dress.”


  • A. Did I buy my husband a red dress?
  • B. Did I buy my wife a red shoe?
  • C. Did he buy my wife a red dress?
  • D. Did I buy my wife a black dress?

Solution: In emphatic stress questions, the goal is to test which part of the sentence is being emphasized. Here, WIFE is emphasized, so the correct option should contrast with this focus. If the emphasis is on the wife, a logical contrasting question would question the subject, wife, with another person (e.g., husband).

In this case, the question asks whether the object of the action was the husband instead of the wife, creating a direct contrast with the emphasized word.

Answer: A. Did I buy my husband a red dress?

  1. This question is based on “The Life Changer” novel. Dr. Samuel Johnson is also known as_____


  • A. SamJson
  • B. Samjohn
  • C. all of the above
  • D. Johnsam

Solution: In the novel The Life Changer, Dr. Samuel Johnson is a prominent character, and it’s mentioned that his nickname is Samjohn. The other options like SamJson and Johnsam are not mentioned in the book, making Samjohn the correct answer.

Answer: B. Samjohn

  1. Choose the word that has the same consonant sound as the one represented by the letter(s) underlined in “wash.”


  • A. treasure
  • B. occasion
  • C. nation
  • D. equation

Solution: The “sh” sound in wash is the same as the “sh” sound in nation. The word treasure contains the “zh” sound, which is different from “sh.” Occasion and equation also contain “zh” sounds, so the word that shares the same consonant sound as wash is nation.

Answer: C. nation

  1. In each of the following sentences, the word that resolves the emphatic stress is written in capital letters. From the options, choose the one to which the given sentence is the appropriate answer: “Daddy plays TENNIS on Saturday afternoons.”


  • A. Does mummy play tennis on Saturday afternoons?
  • B. Does daddy play tennis on Sunday afternoons?
  • C. Does daddy play tennis on Saturday morning?
  • D. Does daddy play cricket on Saturday afternoon?

Solution: The emphasis here is on tennis, so the contrasting option would focus on the activity rather than the time. Options A, B, and C focus on changing the person or time, which is irrelevant to the emphasis. D contrasts with tennis by suggesting that daddy plays a different sport (cricket), making it the correct answer.

Answer: D. Does daddy play cricket on Saturday afternoon?

  1. Select the option that best explains the information conveyed in the sentence: “If he were here, it could be more fun.”


  • A. He did not show up and so the occasion lacked much fun
  • B. He was expected but did not show up to liven up the occasion
  • C. There was no fun because he was not present
  • D. He was being expected to supply more fun

Solution: The sentence is conditional (starting with If), indicating a hypothetical situation. The phrase suggests that his presence would have increased the enjoyment. The correct interpretation is that he was expected but did not attend, meaning that the fun could have been greater if he had been there.

Answer: B. He was expected but did not show up to liven up the occasion

  1. Select the option that best explains the information conveyed in the sentence: “Though he is our elected representative, he often takes a rather jaundiced view of our problems.”


  • A. He takes a rather hazy view of our problems
  • B. He takes an unfavourable position concerning our problems
  • C. He takes a rather forceful view of our problems
  • D. He takes a sickly view of our problems

Solution: The term jaundiced view means a biased or negatively distorted perspective. It does not mean a “hazy” or unclear view, nor does it refer to forceful or literal illness. The phrase implies that the person looks at the problems unfavorably or with suspicion.

Answer: B. He takes an unfavourable position concerning our problems

  1. From the words lettered A to D, choose the word that has the same consonant sound(s) as the one represented by the letter(s) underlined in “Pin.”


  • A. Psychology
  • B. Pneumonia
  • C. Pseudonym
  • D. Pragmatic

Solution: The “P” in Pin has a hard “P” sound. While words like psychology, pneumonia, and pseudonym begin with a silent “P,” pragmatic retains the hard “P” sound, making it the word with the same consonant sound as Pin.

Answer: D. Pragmatic

  1. Choose the appropriate stress pattern from the options. The stressed word is in capital letters: “Fluency.”


  • A. flu-EN-cy
  • B. flu-en-CY
  • C. flu-en-cy
  • D. FLU-en-cy

Solution: In the word fluency, the primary stress is on the first syllable (FLU). The word is pronounced with the emphasis at the beginning.

Answer: D. FLU-en-cy

  1. Choose the word that is opposite in meaning to the underlined word(s): “Victor played the role of a haughty prince.”


  • A. a haunted
  • B. a modest
  • C. a disturbed
  • D. an angry

Solution: The word haughty means arrogant, proud, or conceited. The opposite of this would be someone who is humble or modest. None of the other options relate to humility or the opposite of arrogance.

Answer: B. a modest

  1. Choose the word or group of words that is most nearly opposite in meaning to the underlined words: “The gradual process of transition to civilian rule came to an abrupt end.”


  • A. unhappy
  • B. unnecessary
  • C. abrupt
  • D. anticipated

Solution: The word abrupt means sudden or unexpected. The opposite of this would be something that was planned or foreseen. The only option that reflects the opposite meaning is anticipated, which means expected or predicted.

Answer: D. anticipated

  1. Fill in the gap in the sentence below with the appropriate option: “Peter and Jane love each other …… the difficulties they face.”


  • A. therefore
  • B. despite
  • C. however
  • D. besides

Solution: The sentence indicates that Peter and Jane love each other even though they face difficulties. The appropriate word to convey this idea of overcoming challenges is despite, which means in spite of.

Answer: B. despite

  1. Choose the option that is nearest in meaning to the underlined word: “I was skeptical about the story she told me.”


  • A. doubtful
  • B. convinced
  • C. ignorant
  • D. confused

Solution: The word skeptical means having doubts or not easily convinced. The closest meaning among the options is doubtful, which refers to being uncertain or unconvinced.

Answer: A. doubtful

  1. This question is based on “The Life Changer” novel: “_________ is the euphemism used for cheat notes.”


  • A. Salvation note of rescue
  • B. Note of deliverance
  • C. Holy note of rescue
  • D. Notes of salvation

Solution: In the novel The Life Changer, cheat notes are referred to as notes of salvation. It’s a euphemism used by students to describe something that helps them during exams. The correct option is Notes of salvation.

Answer: D. Notes of salvation

  1. This question is based on “The Life Changer” novel: “Why did Omar say he passed his SSCE by no means a small feat?”


  • A. all of the above
  • B. because he failed other subjects but passed Maths and English
  • C. because he registered with one of the miracle centers
  • D. Because he passed excellently on his first attempt

Solution: Omar’s statement in the novel reflects the effort and challenges of passing the Senior Secondary Certificate Examination (SSCE). He acknowledges it as a significant achievement, especially considering his performance. His success on his first attempt and the fact that he passed the major subjects, Maths and English, underline the difficulty of the feat.

Answer: D. Because he passed excellently on his first attempt

  1. Choose the option that has the same vowel sound as the one represented by the letter(s) underlined: “naked.”


  • A. friend
  • B. bead
  • C. fed
  • D. bid

Solution: The vowel sound in naked is a long “a” sound, as in “cake.” Among the options, bead has the same long vowel sound in “ea,” which also produces the long “e” sound.

Answer: B. bead

  1. From the list of words in A to D, choose one that best describes the sentence: “James and Henry were at daggers drawn when I knew them.” This means that they:


  • A. were always angry with each other
  • B. always wore daggers
  • C. were good at drawing daggers
  • D. were fighting everybody

Solution: The phrase at daggers drawn is an idiom that means two people are in a state of open hostility or conflict. It refers to a situation where people are angry or antagonistic toward each other.

Answer: A. were always angry with each other

  1. This question is based on “The Life Changer” novel: “Who among Salma’s roommates was reserved and withdrawn yet generous to a fault?”


  • A. Ngozi
  • B. Tomiwa
  • C. Ada
  • D. none of them

Solution: In the novel The Life Changer, Ada is portrayed as the most reserved and withdrawn among the roommates, but at the same time, she is generous and kind-hearted, even though she keeps to herself.

Answer: C. Ada

  1. Choose the word that has the same rhyme scheme as the word “Day.”


  • A. Dare
  • B. Anime
  • C. Flight
  • D. Ball

Solution: The word day rhymes with words that end in the “ay” sound. Among the options, dare does not rhyme because it ends with an “air” sound, anime has a different vowel pattern, and flight and ball do not match. Therefore, none of the given words rhyme perfectly with day. However, typically, rhyme scheme questions would focus on vowel and consonant endings.

Answer: A. Dare

  1. Fill in the gap with the most appropriate option: “Without our relentless campaigns, we might …… sure of victory in the race for the National Assembly.”


  • A. be never
  • B. never have been
  • C. never had been
  • D. have never be

Solution: The correct phrase to use in this context is never have been because it indicates that, without the campaigns, success would not have been assured in the past or now.

Answer: B. never have been

  1. Fill in the gap with the most appropriate option: “We are all hungry; we …… anything to eat since morning.”


  • A. hadn’t had
  • B. never had
  • C. haven’t had
  • D. didn’t have

Solution: The sentence is in the present perfect tense, which expresses an action that has happened up to the present moment. The correct form is haven’t had, which shows that they have not eaten since the morning until now.

Answer: C. haven’t had

  1. Fill in the gap with the most appropriate option: “To check desertification in the arid zones, …… trees should be planted.”


  • A. drought-resisting
  • B. drought-resistant
  • C. drought-effective
  • D. drought-proof

Solution: The correct word is drought-resistant, which refers to plants or trees that can survive with little water in arid regions. The other options are either incorrect or not commonly used.

Answer: B. drought-resistant

  1. From the options lettered A-D, choose the option that is most nearly opposite in meaning to the underlined word: “My father is parsimonious.”


  • A. thrifty
  • B. frugal
  • C. generous
  • D. ungenerous

Solution: Parsimonious means extremely unwilling to spend money or being miserly. The opposite of this is generous, which refers to a person who is willing to give or share.

Answer: C. generous

  1. Pick out the option with a different rhyme:


  • A. Roar
  • B. Four
  • C. Growl
  • D. Bore

Solution: Roar, four, and bore all rhyme because they share the “or” sound. However, growl has a different vowel and consonant combination, making it the odd one out.

Answer: C. Growl

  1. The primary stress is indicated by writing the syllable on which it occurs in capital letters. From the words lettered A to D, choose the one that has the correct stress: “category.”


  • A. cat-e-GO-ry
  • B. CAT-e-go-ry
  • C. cat-e-go-RY
  • D. cat-E-go-ry

Solution: The correct stress for the word category is on the first syllable. The stress pattern is CAT-e-go-ry.

Answer: B. CAT-e-go-ry

This is a comprehensive 120 questions and answers from the last 2 years of Jamb. It is a lengthy post but we have done our best to provide solutions to each question, if you are in a haste and need the pdf instead, click here to also download for other years, the pdf contains questions and answers from 2000 to 2024.

  1. This question is based on “The Life Changer” novel: “Ummi is an Arabic word that is directly translated to mean_____”


  • A. My mom
  • B. My mother
  • C. Grandmother
  • D. Godmother

Solution: In the novel The Life Changer, Ummi is the Arabic word for My mother, which is a term of endearment used by the children.

Answer: B. My mother

27. Choose the word or group of words that is most nearly opposite in meaning to the underlined word: “The meeting ended in a rather disorderly manner.”


  • A. calm
  • B. chaotic
  • C. peaceful
  • D. organized

Solution: The word disorderly means lacking order, chaotic, or unruly. The opposite of this would be something that is well-structured or neatly arranged. The option that best fits this meaning is organized, which means arranged or functioning in an orderly manner.

Answer: D. organized

28. Choose the most appropriate option that best completes the sentence: “The authorities have agreed to a cessation of hostilities in the war-torn region, hoping that _______ peace will follow.”


  • A. temporary
  • B. eternal
  • C. lasting
  • D. fragile

Solution: The word cessation means a stop or pause in an activity, often with the hope of it being permanent. In this case, the authorities hope that a more permanent and enduring peace will follow the pause in hostilities. The word lasting fits this context best, as it suggests something that continues for a long time.

Answer: C. lasting

29. This question is based on “The Life Changer” novel: “Why did Salma fall out with her friends in the hostel?”


  • A. She disagreed with their excessive gossip
  • B. She accused them of being too reserved
  • C. She felt they were too noisy
  • D. She was upset with their eating habits

Solution: In The Life Changer novel, Salma falls out with her friends due to her constant disagreements and confrontational nature. She had a strong personality, and one of the main reasons for their falling out was her opinion on how they gossiped excessively. This led to tension between them.

Answer: A. She disagreed with their excessive gossip

30. Choose the option that best completes the sentence: “It is hoped that with good leadership, the economy _______.”


  • A. improves
  • B. will improve
  • C. would have improved
  • D. improved

Solution: The sentence is referring to a future expectation based on a condition (good leadership). The correct form to express a future event dependent on the current condition is will improve, as it indicates that the economy is expected to get better in the future.

Answer: B. will improve

31. Athens had _________ the Greek-states against Persians.


  • A. refused to help
  • B. wanted to fight
  • C. intervened on behalf
  • D. given orders to fight

In the passage, it is mentioned that Athens “interceded for the other Greek city-states in revolt against Persian domination.” The word interceded means to intervene on behalf of others, so the correct answer is:

Answer: C. intervened on behalf

32. Darius took drastic steps to __________ the rebellious Athenians.


  • A. irritate
  • B. weaken
  • C. destroy
  • D. calm

The passage mentions that the Persian king sent “an enormous army to defeat Athens” to “pacify the rebellious part of the empire.” The action taken by Darius was meant to destroy or subdue the Athenians, so the correct answer is:

Answer: C. destroy

33. Their participation _________ to the Athenians.


  • A. gave hope
  • B. gave honour
  • C. gave comfort
  • D. gave strength

The passage states that Athenians were emboldened by their participation in ruling their city-state, which made them prepared to die for it. This suggests that their participation gave them strength and motivation to fight. Therefore, the correct answer is:

Answer: D. gave strength

34. The people of Delos did not want to __________ the conquest of Greece.


  • A. think about
  • B. end
  • C. encourage
  • D. daydream about

The passage explains that the people of Delos did not want to aid or support the conquest of Greece, so they fled their city. The word abet in the passage means to encourage or assist, so the correct answer is:

Answer: C. encourage

35. The Athenians were__________ by some soldiers who arrived at Plataea.


  • A. held
  • B. strengthened
  • C. welcomed
  • D. captured

The passage states that soldiers from Plataea reinforced the Athenian troops, which means they helped to strengthen their forces. Therefore, the correct answer is:

Answer: B. strengthened

36. This question is based on “The Life Changer” novel: Salma was looking more stunning on the last day of her exams because________


  • A. her classmates had planned to go to the beach after the exam
  • B. her classmates had organized a mini picnic to wrap up the good work
  • C. All of the above
  • D. her classmates had planned a photo shoot with some lecturers

In The Life Changer novel, Salma was excited about the end of exams, and her classmates had organized events like a mini picnic and a photo shoot. Hence, the correct answer is:

Answer: C. All of the above

37. This question is based on “The Life Changer” novel: Why was it a double celebration for Ummi and members of her community when she gained admission into the university?


  • A. none of the above
  • B. She had given birth to Omar before her admission to the university
  • C. Her husband agreed to marry her before she went for university registration
  • D. she was the first child to leave Lafayette to the university

In The Life Changer, it was a double celebration for Ummi because she had given birth to Omar before gaining admission into the university, which was uncommon in her community. Therefore, the correct answer is:

Answer: B. She had given birth to Omar before her admission to the university

The passage below has gaps. Immediately following each gap, four options are provided. Choose the most appropriate option for each gap.


With the most profound respect to the members of the Senate, I do not think that it is within the competence of that …1… body to pass a motion to …2… the executive action of the President. The Senate is …3… of the National Assembly. But it is not by itself alone the National Assembly. One can imagine the confusion, which would be created if the …4… were to take a view diametrically opposed to that reflected in the Senate resolution. The strongest objection to the action of the Senate in passing the resolution is the fact that it constituted itself the …5… as well as the judge of the constitutionality of the action of the President. The function of the Senate is to …6… laws. But the Senate has no authority or …7… to control the President in the exercise of his …8… powers. It cannot by a mere resolution or motion give any directive to the President regarding the exercise of his powers nor can it undo what the President has done in the exercise of those powers. The only way in which the exercise of the powers of the President can be …9… is by …10… of the National Assembly.
Adapted from The Guardian of July 8, 1999, p. 8.

38. …1… body to pass a motion to __________ the executive action of the President.


  • A. executive
  • B. legislative
  • C. judicial
  • D. administrative

The correct answer to fill the first gap is legislative as the body being referred to is the Senate, which is a legislative body.

Answer: B. legislative

39. …2… the executive action of the President.


  • A. modify
  • B. nullify
  • C. order
  • D. enforce

The Senate is debating whether they can nullify the action of the President, meaning to invalidate it. Therefore, the correct answer is:

Answer: B. nullify

40. …3… of the National Assembly.


  • A. an anchor
  • B. a portion
  • C. a wing
  • D. an arm

The Senate is a part of the National Assembly. The best term here is an arm of the National Assembly.

Answer: D. an arm

41. …4… were to take a view diametrically opposed to that reflected in the Senate resolution.


  • A. Judiciary
  • B. Executive Council
  • C. House of Representatives
  • D. National Assembly

The other part of the National Assembly that could oppose the Senate is the House of Representatives.

Answer: C. House of Representatives

42. …5… as well as the judge of the constitutionality of the action of the President.


  • A. plaintiff
  • B. attorney
  • C. defendant
  • D. litigant

The correct answer to fill the gap is plaintiff, as it refers to the person who brings a case against another in court.

Answer: A. plaintiff

43. …6… laws.


  • A. compose
  • B. enact
  • C. annul
  • D. create

The role of the Senate is to enact laws, meaning to make or pass laws.

Answer: B. enact

44. …7… to control the President in the exercise of his powers.


  • A. power
  • B. strength
  • C. dynamism
  • D. might

The Senate lacks the power to control the President in the exercise of his powers.

Answer: A. power

45. …8… powers.


  • A. executive
  • B. judicial
  • C. authoritative
  • D. official

The powers being referred to are executive powers, as it is discussing the role of the President.

Answer: A. executive

46. …9… is by __________ of the National Assembly.


  • A. modified
  • B. regulated
  • C. standardized
  • D. ordered

The best word to fill this gap is regulated, meaning to be controlled or governed.

Answer: B. regulated

47. …10… of the National Assembly.


  • A. a Decree
  • B. bill
  • C. an Act
  • D. a motion

The exercise of the President’s powers can be regulated through an Act of the National Assembly, which is a formal legislative decision.

Answer: C. an Act

48. Choose the word or phrase from A to D which has its meaning opposite to the underlined word or words in each sentence: She was impertinent until she met her husband.


  • A. subdued
  • B. extravagant
  • C. courteous
  • D. promiscuous

Impertinent means rude or disrespectful. The opposite of this is courteous, which means polite and respectful.

Answer: C. courteous

49. This question is based on “The Life Changer” novel: According to the novel, which of these characters had a nasty experience on the account of using social media?


  • A. Tomiwa
  • B. Salma
  • C. Salim
  • D. Ummi

In the novel, Salim had a nasty experience with a scammer through social media.

Answer: C. Salim

This is a comprehensive 120 questions and answers from the last 2 years of Jamb. It is a lengthy post but we have done our best to provide solutions to each question, if you are in a haste and need the pdf instead, click here to also download for other years, the pdf contains questions and answers from 2000 to 2024.

50. Choose the option that is nearest in meaning to the underlined word(s): Repugnant rules in the society should be repealed.


  • A. Enacted
  • B. Exemplary
  • C. Abhorrent
  • D. Justified

Repugnant means offensive or disgusting. The closest in meaning is abhorrent, which also means disgusting or unacceptable.

Answer: C. Abhorrent

This question is based on “The Life Changer” novel.

Bint was encouraged to take French at the primary level because _____
A. Her parents believed that language acquisition at an early age is relatively easy
B. she would want to be a French mistress when she grows up
C. all of the above
D. it will be useful for her when she travels to France

Answer: A.
Bint’s parents believed that language acquisition at an early age is relatively easy, which is why they encouraged her to take French in primary school. This reflects their understanding of early childhood language development.

Choose the options to which the given sentence relate.

Spain won their last friendly FOOTBALL match.
A. Who won their last friendly football match?
B. Did Spain win their last competitive football match?
C. Did Spain lose their last competitive football match?
D. Did Spain win their last friendly basketball match?

Answer: B.
The correct option is “Did Spain win their last competitive football match?” as it contrasts the nature of the match by introducing the idea of competition versus a friendly match.

Choose the option that is nearest in meaning to the underlined word.

The boss is quite inflexible once he has made up his mind.
A. wicked
B. relaxed
C. excited
D. unyielding

Answer: D.
“Unyielding” is nearest in meaning to “inflexible.” Both terms describe someone who refuses to change or compromise.

From the options lettered A-D, choose the option that is most nearly opposite in meaning to the underlined word.

My mother is a shrewd businesswoman.
A. reliable
B. resourceful
C. orderly
D. gullible

Answer: D.
“Gullible” is the opposite of “shrewd,” as a gullible person is easily deceived, while a shrewd person is sharp and astute in decision-making.

In the following question, choose the option that best completes the sentence.

The guest would have arrived earlier but he was _______ in traffic.
A. held down
B. held up
C. held about
D. held off

Answer: B.
The correct phrase is “held up in traffic,” which means delayed due to traffic.

Choose the option that is nearest in meaning to the underlined word(s).

No one would complain if you emulate good behaviour.
A. differentiate
B. condemn
C. imitate
D. exhibit

Answer: C.
“Emulate” means to imitate or copy someone’s behavior, especially something positive.

He was both a writer and a politician, but he was better …….. a singer.
A. like
B. to be
C. as if
D. as

Answer: D.
The correct sentence is “He was better as a singer,” as it describes his superior skill in singing.

Choose the word that has the same consonant sound as the one in bracket.

A. worth
B. dress
C. brother
D. wealthy

Answer: A.
“Worth” has the same consonant sound as “smooth” with the ‘th’ sound.

Identify the option with a different stress pattern.
A. reservoir
B. contribute
C. importance
D. deposit

Answer: B.
“Contribute” has the stress on the second syllable, whereas the other words have stress on the first syllable.

In each of the questions, the word in capital letters has the emphatic stress. Choose the option to which the given sentence relates.

The union congratulated the ELECTED president.
A. Did the union reject the elected president?
B. Did the union congratulate the elected chairman?
C. Did the management congratulate the elected president?
D. Did the union congratulate the ousted president?

Answer: B.
The correct option is “Did the union congratulate the elected chairman?” as it contrasts “president” with “chairman,” challenging the emphatic word.

This question is based on “The Life Changer” novel.

What appellation was given to Talle for all his amazing show of personality?
A. The cool and calm one
B. the moody one
C. the simple and delicate one
D. the quiet one

Answer: D.
Talle was referred to as “the quiet one” because of his reserved and calm personality.

In each of the questions, the word in capital letters has the emphatic stress. Choose the option to which the given sentence relates.

A good description INCLUDES specific nouns.
A. Does a good description exclude specific nouns?
B. Does a good description include specific verbs?
C. Does a good description include obscure nouns?
D. Does a poor description include specific nouns?

Answer: A.
The correct answer is “Does a good description exclude specific nouns?” as it contrasts “include” with “exclude.”

Choose the word which has the same consonant sounds as the underlined letter(s).

A. rejoice
B. surge
C. seizure
D. reassure

Answer: C.
“Seizure” shares the same ‘zh’ sound as in “pleasure.”

This question is based on “The Life Changer” novel.

Whose reticent nature while growing up earned him the title: “The quiet one”?
A. Talle
B. Bint
C. Omar
D. Ummi

Answer: A.
Talle’s quiet nature earned him the title “The quiet one.”

In this question, select the option that best explains the information conveyed in the sentence.

The solution lies in choosing between various negative alternatives.
A. The solutions are many
B. The solution lies in choosing between the positive and negative
C. The solution can be found in one of the negative options
D. The solution is a negative one

Answer: C.
The correct answer is “The solution can be found in one of the negative options,” as the sentence suggests choosing from among negative alternatives.

In this question, the word in capital letters has the emphatic stress. Choose the option to which the given sentence relates.

EMEKA finished his homework yesterday.
A. Who finished his homework yesterday?
B. When did Emeka finish his homework?
C. Did Emeka do his homework yesterday?
D. Was Emeka helped to do his homework?

Answer: A.
The correct option is “Who finished his homework yesterday?” as it challenges the emphasis on “Emeka.”

Choose the option that is nearest in meaning to the underlined word(s).

After thousands of years of existing, elephants still remain extant.
A. subdued
B. pulverized
C. strong
D. enduring

Answer: D.
“Extant” means still in existence, so “enduring” is the closest in meaning.

This question is based on “The Life Changer” novel.

Salma stayed at the most coveted and famous ______ hostel.
A. Queen Amina
B. Queen Moremi
C. Queen Lateefat
D. Queen Haneefat

Answer: B.
Salma stayed at the Queen Moremi hostel, which was famous and highly sought after.

This question is based on “The Life Changer” novel.

Who called the attention of the district head when it was discovered that Talle buys more than he could consume from the supermarket?
A. his friends
B. the grocers
C. His neighbors
D. his colleagues

Answer: B.
The grocers alerted the district head when they noticed Talle’s unusual buying habits.

In this question, identify the word that has the stress on the first syllable.

A. confirm
B. intact
C. resist
D. salon

Answer: D.
“Salon” has the stress on the first syllable, while the others are stressed on the second syllable.

In each of the following sentences, the word that receives the emphatic stress is written in capital letters. From the options lettered A to D, choose the one which the sentence is the appropriate answer.

Lambusa TOOK OFF the wig.
A. What did Lambusa do?
B. Who took off the wig?
C. Did Lambusa take off a wig?
D. Did Lambusa take off a ring?

Answer: B.
The correct answer is “Who took off the wig?” as it focuses on the subject (Lambusa) and contrasts with the emphatic word.

Choose the option opposite in meaning to the underlined word in each sentence.

During the maths test, some students got an approximate score of 20.
A. a frank
B. a measured
C. a precise
D. an inaccurate

Answer: C.
The opposite of “approximate” is “precise,” which means exact or accurate.

This question is based on “The Life Changer” novel.

How did Omar’s name come up during the police interrogation of Talle?
A. Omar’s name was brought up as a witness
B. Omar’s name came up because he was involved in the kidnapping
C. Omar’s name came up because of Talle’s relationship with him
D. Omar’s name came up because he used his phone

Answer: D.
Omar’s name came up because Talle had used Omar’s phone, which linked them during the police investigation.

In the question, select the option that best explains the information conveyed.

The movie star is famous in his country, but he remains in obscurity abroad.
A. He is known only in his country
B. He is famous only abroad
C. He is unknown in his country
D. He is obscure at home and abroad

Answer: A.
The correct interpretation is “He is known only in his country,” as the sentence suggests he is not famous abroad.

In the question, select the option that best completes the sentence.

That is the woman ______ dog bit my friend.
A. who
B. whose
C. whom
D. of which

Answer: B.
The correct sentence is “That is the woman whose dog bit my friend.”

In this question, select the option that best explains the information conveyed.

No sooner had she seen me than she walked away.
A. She walked away immediately after seeing me
B. She didn’t walk away after seeing me
C. She walked away before seeing me
D. She took some time to walk away after seeing me

Answer: A.
The sentence means “She walked away immediately after seeing me.”

Choose the option that is nearest in meaning to the underlined word.

His silence suggests that he is a taciturn person.
A. boisterous
B. talkative
C. noisy
D. reserved

Answer: D.
“Taciturn” means reserved or quiet, so “reserved” is nearest in meaning.

Choose the word that has the same vowel sound as the one represented by the letters underlined.

A. moon
B. put
C. bull
D. food

Answer: A.
“Moon” has the same vowel sound as “bloom” (the ‘oo’ sound).

In this question, choose the option that is most nearly opposite in meaning to the underlined word.

She was found guilty of a deliberate falsehood.
A. designed
B. unnecessary
C. accidental
D. lucky

Answer: C.
The opposite of “deliberate” is “accidental,” as it contrasts intentional actions with unintentional ones.

Choose the option that best completes the sentence.

He got the job despite his many faults, ________ his lack of experience.
A. including
B. among
C. besides
D. notwithstanding

Answer: D.
The correct sentence is “He got the job despite his many faults, notwithstanding his lack of experience,” meaning despite or regardless of his lack of experience.

Read the passage carefully and answer this question.

May your road be rough. I am not cursing you: I am wishing you what I wish myself every year, I therefore repeat, may you have a hard time this year. May there be troubles for you this year. If you are not sure of what to say back, why not just say “same to you” – I ask for no more.

Our successes are conditioned by the amount of risk we are about to take. Earlier today, I visited a local farmer about five kilometers from where I live. He could not have been 55, but he said he was already too old to farm vigorously. He still suffered, he said, from the energy he displayed as a farmer in his younger days. Around his hut were two pepperbushes. There were cocoyam growing around him. There were snail shells which had given him meat. There must have been more snails around the banana trees than I saw. He hardly ever went to town to buy things. He was self-sufficient. The car, the television or radio and the newspaper were things he could live without. He had no ambition whatsoever, he told me.

I am not sure if you are already envious of him, but were we all to revert to such a life, we would be driven back like aimless sheep to cave dwelling. On the other hand, try to put yourself in the shoes of the Russian or American astronauts. Any moment you are shot into space, you have to be mentally alert, else, if you forget what to do, one of the things that might happen to you is that you could forever become a satellite going round until you die of starvation, and even then, your dead body would continue the gyration.

Naturally, they may have some slight foreboding on the contingency of their non-return. However, it is their courage for going in spite of these apprehensions that makes the world hail them so loudly today.

(Akinyemi, A., Olupe, F., & Adetutu, S. (2012): Rubrics of English Language for Schools and Colleges. Divine Glory Printers, Abeokuta.)

81. According to the passage, success depends on ……

Question: According to the passage, success depends on …
A. challenges
B. brawn
C. risks
D. brain

Answer: C. risks

Explanation: The passage emphasizes that success is conditioned by the amount of risk one is willing to take, as exemplified by the astronauts who risked their lives in space exploration.

82. What sort of life, according to the passage, will drive people back like aimless sheep to cave dwelling?

Question: What sort of life, according to the passage, will drive people back like aimless sheep to cave dwelling?
A. life without risks
B. life without science and technology
C. life without ambition
D. life without hope

Answer: C. life without ambition

Explanation: The passage compares the life of the farmer, who had no ambition, to a life that would lead humanity back to a primitive state. Thus, a life without ambition would drive people backward.

83. “Rough” in the first sentence of the passage means ……

Question: “Rough” in the first sentence of the passage means …
A. mountains and molehills
B. the dangers attributed to space travel
C. challenges that will breed opportunities
D. difficulties

Answer: D. difficulties

Explanation: In this context, “rough” refers to the hardships and difficulties the speaker is wishing upon the listener to prepare them for success.

84. Choose the word with the same vowel sound as the one in bracket.

Question: Band[a]ge
A. cacophony
B. says
C. cage
D. kite

Answer: C. cage

Explanation: The vowel sound in “bandage” [æ] is the same as in “cage,” both have the /eɪ/ sound.

85. From the options lettered A-D, choose the option that is nearest in meaning to the underlined word.

Question: I have an aversion for war movies.
A. dislike
B. addiction
C. preference
D. bitterness

Answer: A. dislike

Explanation: “Aversion” means a strong dislike for something, so the closest meaning is “dislike.”

86. Choose the option that is nearest in meaning to the underlined word(s).

Question: When night fell, we had to hasten to the motor park.
A. disperse
B. averse
C. hurry
D. return

Answer: C. hurry

Explanation: “Hasten” means to move quickly or hurry, so “hurry” is the closest synonym.

87. Choose the word that has the same rhyme scheme.

Question: laugh
A. life
B. half
C. ghost
D. light

Answer: B. half

Explanation: The word “laugh” rhymes with “half” because they both end with the same -f sound.

88. The prisoner finally …….. that he drank to …….. on the night he committed the murder.

Question: The prisoner finally …….. that he drank to …….. on the night he committed the murder.
A. exceeded/extreme
B. acceded/access
C. conceded/excess
D. eluded/escape

Answer: C. conceded/excess

Explanation: The correct phrasing would be that the prisoner “conceded” (admitted) that he drank to “excess” (overindulgence).

89. Fill in the gap with the appropriate option:

Question: Children are not allowed in the park …… dark.
A. at
B. over
C. after
D. in

Answer: C. after

Explanation: The correct phrase is “after dark,” meaning once it becomes night.

90. Fill each gap with the most appropriate option from the list provided.

Question: We had to ….. the group headed by Taiwo.
A. sell out
B. sell off
C. sell up
D. selled

Answer: B. sell off

This is a comprehensive 120 questions and answers from the last 2 years of Jamb. It is a lengthy post but we have done our best to provide solutions to each question, if you are in a haste and need the pdf instead, click here to also download for other years, the pdf contains questions and answers from 2000 to 2024.

Explanation: “Sell off” is a correct term meaning to dispose of something, such as a group or assets, for money.

The coach has asked the Bright Rangers to be paid their –6– salaries and –7– so as to –8– them to victory against Mamelodi Sundowns of South Africa in Saturday’s all-important CAF Champions League Match. Bright Rangers are the third in group B with four points –9– many matches and need to –10– defeat at second-placed Al – Ahly to stay in the –11– for a place in the semi-final of Africa’s most prestigious club competition. The Coach told MTN that the team would be better motivated if they at least receive their August salaries before the Al-Ahly –12–. We have to make sure that they are paid their salaries –13– so that they can play the game of their lives. The government has done very well, but it will be a big morale –14– to get paid for them to go out there and play. The Coach informed MTN that the Bright Rangers plan to employ the counter –15– to get a result in Cario.

91. The coach has asked the Bright Rangers to be paid their –6– salaries and –7–.

Question: –6–
A. late
B. owed
C. outstanding
D. leftover

Answer: C. outstanding

Explanation: “Outstanding” salaries refer to those that have not yet been paid but are due.

92. –7–

Question: –7–
A. match wages
B. match fees
C. match bonuses
D. match payments

Answer: C. match bonuses

Explanation: “Match bonuses” refers to additional financial incentives given for playing in a match.

93. –8–

Question: –8–
A. push
B. spur
C. move
D. instigate

Answer: B. spur

Explanation: “Spur” means to motivate or encourage, which is what the coach intends for the team.

94. –9–

Question: –9–
A. at
B. in
C. from
D. with

Answer: B. in

Explanation: “In many matches” is the correct phrasing, indicating the number of matches played.

95. –10–

Question: –10–
A. aford
B. afford
C. avoid
D. annul

Answer: C. avoid

Explanation: The team needs to “avoid” defeat, meaning they must prevent losing the match.

The coach has asked the Bright Rangers to be paid their –6– salaries and –7– so as to –8– them to victory against Mamelodi Sundowns of South Africa in Saturday’s all-important CAF Champions League Match. Bright Rangers are the third in group B with four points –9– many matches and need to –10– defeat at second-placed Al – Ahly to stay in the –11– for a place in the semi-final of Africa’s most prestigious club competition. The Coach told MTN that the team would be better motivated if they at least receive their August salaries before the Al-Ahly –12–. We have to make sure that they are paid their salaries –13– so that they can play the game of their lives. The government has done very well, but it will be a big morale –14– to get paid for them to go out there and play. The Coach informed MTN that the Bright Rangers plan to employ the counter –15– to get a result in Cario.

96. Fill in the gap with the most appropriate option from the list provided.

Question: The President –11– gave a long address during the –12– parade.
Options for 11:
A. aimlessly
B. solemnly
C. humorously
D. joyfully

Answer: B. solemnly

Explanation: A presidential address, especially during a formal occasion like a parade, is usually given in a serious, respectful manner, which is described by the word “solemnly.”

97. Fill in the gap with the most appropriate option from the list provided.

Question: –12–
Options for 12:
A. athletic
B. colorful
C. inaugural
D. Independence

Answer: D. Independence

Explanation: The context of the question suggests that the President’s speech was delivered during an Independence parade, a national event, hence “Independence” is the correct word.

98. From the options lettered A-D, choose the option that is nearest in meaning to the underlined word.

Question: The manager commended the workers for their excellent performance.
A. criticized
B. praised
C. scolded
D. reproached

Answer: B. praised

Explanation: “Commended” means to praise someone for their achievements or good work, making “praised” the closest in meaning.

99. Choose the word that has the same vowel sound as the one in bracket.

Question: h[a]nd
A. band
B. head
C. said
D. heed

Answer: A. band

Explanation: The vowel sound in “hand” is the same as in “band,” both containing the short /æ/ sound.

100. Choose the option nearest in meaning to the underlined expression.

Question: The goalkeeper was blamed for conceding two cheap goals.
A. easy
B. unwanted
C. free
D. unimportant

Answer: A. easy

Explanation: In this context, “cheap” goals refer to easy or weak goals that should have been prevented by the goalkeeper.

101. Fill in the gap with the most appropriate option.

Question: The car was badly damaged; we had to call a –13– to tow it away.
Options for 13:
A. mechanic
B. driver
C. wrecker
D. chauffeur

Answer: C. wrecker

Explanation: A “wrecker” is a tow truck used to remove damaged vehicles. Hence, this is the correct answer in the context of a damaged car being towed away.

102. Fill in the gap with the appropriate option.

Question: No sooner had the principal started his speech than the students –14– out of the hall.
Options for 14:
A. slipped
B. slumped
C. stomped
D. stormed

Answer: D. stormed

Explanation: The phrase “stormed out” indicates a sudden, angry exit, which fits the context of the students leaving as soon as the principal began speaking.

103. Choose the word that has the same consonant sound as the underlined letter(s).

Question: cinema
A. cent
B. car
C. cold
D. cinema

Answer: A. cent

Explanation: The “c” in “cinema” has the soft /s/ sound, which is also present in “cent.”

104. Fill in the gap with the most appropriate option.

Question: His favorite –15– was broken during the riot.
Options for 15:
A. team
B. toy
C. plate
D. vase

Answer: D. vase

Explanation: The word “vase” fits well as a fragile item that could be easily broken during a riot.

105. Fill in the gap with the most appropriate option.

Question: He insisted on going to the party –16– the danger.
Options for 16:
A. despite
B. with
C. in
D. about

Answer: A. despite

Explanation: “Despite the danger” is the correct expression, meaning he chose to attend the party even though there was a known danger.

106. Choose the correct word to complete the sentence.

Question: I am averse –17– smoking in public places.
Options for 17:
A. for
B. from
C. to
D. about

Answer: C. to

Explanation: The correct preposition that follows “averse” is “to,” so the sentence reads, “I am averse to smoking in public places.”

107. Fill in the gap with the most appropriate option.

Question: The book provides –18– of the historical events that led to the country’s independence.
Options for 18:
A. a review
B. a recollection
C. a narration
D. an account

Answer: D. an account

Explanation: The correct term for a detailed description of events is “an account.”

Let’s continue with more detailed explanations for the next set of questions.

108. Fill in the gap with the most appropriate option.

Question: The athlete was disqualified because he had an unfair –19– over the other competitors.
Options for 19:
A. advantage
B. lead
C. edge
D. superiority

Answer: A. advantage

Explanation: The term “advantage” refers to a condition or circumstance that puts someone in a favorable or superior position. In the context of the athlete being disqualified, “unfair advantage” is the most appropriate term, indicating that the athlete had an unjust benefit over the others.

109. From the options lettered A-D, choose the option that is nearest in meaning to the underlined word.

Question: The company is known for its meticulous attention to detail.
A. careless
B. thorough
C. hasty
D. superficial

Answer: B. thorough

Explanation: “Meticulous” means showing great attention to detail, being very careful and precise. The word “thorough” is closest in meaning to “meticulous,” as it suggests doing things with great care and attention, leaving no detail unattended.

110. Fill in the gap with the most appropriate option.

Question: The workers demanded a –20– for the extra hours they had worked.
Options for 20:
A. compensation
B. reward
C. salary
D. wage

Answer: A. compensation

Explanation: “Compensation” is the appropriate term for money or benefits given to employees for additional work or extra hours. It reflects a form of payment made for services that go beyond regular working hours, making it the best option here.

111. Fill in the gap with the most appropriate option.

Question: The criminal was apprehended after a –21– chase through the city streets.
Options for 21:
A. slow
B. thrilling
C. desperate
D. quick

Answer: C. desperate

Explanation: The word “desperate” is used to describe an intense or frantic action, especially one done in extreme circumstances. A “desperate chase” indicates that both the criminal and the police were acting in a highly urgent and intense manner, making it the most fitting choice.

112. From the options lettered A-D, choose the option that best completes the sentence.

Question: The company’s new product launch –22– widespread media coverage.
Options for 22:
A. attracted
B. distracted
C. influenced
D. limited

Answer: A. attracted

Explanation: “Attracted” is the most suitable word here, as it suggests that the media was drawn to or took notice of the company’s new product. Media attention is usually something that companies aim to “attract” with new releases or events.

113. Fill in the gap with the most appropriate option.

Question: The teacher gave the students –23– for their excellent performance in the exams.
Options for 23:
A. appreciation
B. praise
C. recognition
D. motivation

Answer: B. praise

Explanation: “Praise” is the appropriate word to use when acknowledging someone’s good work or success, especially in the context of students performing well in exams. It means to express approval or admiration for someone’s achievement.

114. Choose the correct word to complete the sentence.

Question: He apologized for the delay, –24– it was beyond his control.
Options for 24:
A. saying
B. explained
C. adding
D. mentioned

Answer: A. saying

Explanation: In this context, “saying” is the best choice because it introduces what the person said in relation to the apology. It indicates that the speaker is directly explaining why the delay occurred, making it the most appropriate option.

115. Choose the word that has the same vowel sound as the one in the bracket.

Question: l[o]ve
A. move
B. wrote
C. cup
D. rope

Answer: C. cup

Explanation: The vowel sound in “love” is the short /ʌ/ sound, which is also present in “cup.” This sound is distinct from the other options, which have different vowel sounds (like /u:/ in “move” or /oʊ/ in “wrote” and “rope”).

116. Fill in the gap with the most appropriate option.

Question: The politician was accused of being –25– with the nation’s funds.
Options for 25:
A. extravagant
B. corrupt
C. greedy
D. unwise

Answer: B. corrupt

Explanation: “Corrupt” is the appropriate term to use when someone is accused of misusing public resources or funds for personal gain. In this case, the accusation of the politician mismanaging the nation’s funds aligns with the word “corrupt.”

117. Choose the option nearest in meaning to the underlined expression.

Question: The teacher gave the students an onerous task to complete over the weekend.
A. difficult
B. easy
C. enjoyable
D. routine

Answer: A. difficult

Explanation: “Onerous” means something that is burdensome or very difficult to do. Therefore, “difficult” is the word that is closest in meaning to “onerous,” as it implies a task that requires great effort or is very challenging to complete.

118. Fill in the gap with the most appropriate option.

Question: The crowd cheered as the team –26– onto the field.
Options for 26:
A. sprinted
B. jogged
C. strode
D. ran

Answer: C. strode

Explanation: “Strode” refers to walking with long, confident steps. In this context, it describes the team confidently walking onto the field, likely with a sense of purpose and presence, which matches the image of a team entering to loud cheers.

119. Choose the word that has the same consonant sound as the underlined letter(s).

Question: phone
A. phantom
B. phrase
C. pot
D. pick

Answer: A. phantom

Explanation: The “ph” in “phone” is pronounced as /f/, which is also the case in “phantom.” The other options do not have this same sound, as “phrase” uses a /f/ sound but has a different consonant combination, while “pot” and “pick” have the /p/ sound.

This is a comprehensive 120 questions and answers from the last 2 years of Jamb. It is a lengthy post but we have done our best to provide solutions to each question, if you are in a haste and need the pdf instead, click here to also download for other years, the pdf contains questions and answers from 2000 to 2024.

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