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Six Steps to Writing an Excellent Final Year Project

Last updated on December 4th, 2022 at 08:53 am

One always breathes a sigh of relief after seeing the results from the second semester and realizing, “My God, I’m now a final-year student.” The sensation is thrilling, especially if you don’t experience any of the typical problems associated with being a carry-over student. The completion of the senior project then hovers over you like a menacing cloud, and you find yourself wishing you were related to Thor so you could briefly borrow his lightning hammer.

Unfortunately, the reality isn’t so simple; the project’s black cloud can’t just be extinguished by fictitious lightning; it has to be studied and documented. If you’re afraid of writing projects as I was, I recommend going to for ALL your research and final-year project needs.
You’re lucky; I never had this chance. I struggled through the entire process of researching and creating a project. I had to physically go to every business required to look for information, which cost money, took time, and required energy.
Now, I think project research should be done for those who can publish a book and truly profit from their labor, not only for a theoretical audience.

Now, I think project research should be done by those who can produce a book and truly profit from their labor, rather than merely for a grade. Please don’t sue me since I’m simply a pretty realistic person.

Having said that, I’m also realistic enough to understand that some students, against all odds, prefer to conduct their own research and write their projects. As our financial means aren’t equal, some of these students may not have a lot of money to spare for the extensive requirements of a final-year project. Following are the six stages to writing a superb final-year project on your own: –

  1. SELECT a topic in a field that you are familiar with. Since I studied sociology and anthropology, which has a wide range of specialized subjects, I decided to focus on crime and how unemployment affects its rise or fall. It’s really pretty easy to do this if you’ve been working in your chosen profession for at least four years. You just need to find a topic that interests you and has obstacles that will only drive you to find solutions. I could never have articulated this while I was selecting the subject for my project, but as a writer, I’ve come to understand that I’ve always been fascinated with the complexities of crime, which are evident in the majority of my books. It seems melodramatic, but I’m suggesting that today may be the start of the rest of your life.
  2. READ PRIOR PROJECTS ON YOUR SELECTED TOPIC — I must confess that I did not do this, and as a result, I had a terrible time writing my final year project. It is important that you visit your faculty library and study projects that have been produced on related themes after selecting your topic, particularly when you are a year from your final year. The main point is to get clarity and perspective; you’ll learn about their successes, setbacks, and areas for improvement in relation to that subject, and you’ll also learn the best course of action for your own project, building on their past errors to make it the best. What can I say, the world isn’t always fair, and in order to advance, we must take note of the errors of others.
  3. BEFORE APPROVAL, COMPILE material analysis and research You could be thinking, “Doesn’t this woman realize that supervisors have to first approve topics?” I do, I promise, but it will be simpler for you if all of your subjects share a common background. That way, regardless of the topic selection that is selected, your original study won’t have been in vain. Supervisors may occasionally request that you select the subject of your choice before asking you to submit your analysis, proposal, or introduction the following day, as they did in my situation. Do you want to start rushing to find material in the short time left? I don’t believe so, therefore heed my counsel and always be one or two steps ahead of the game.
  4. The Internet is your best buddy. Thank God for the internet because some schools’ physical libraries barely ever have the most recent research resources. With websites like,, Main Page, and you can Google your way to independence. and several others provide free books. There are many excellent research resources available to you online (books, audio, research, papers, news articles, etc. that you can reference). You’ll be shocked if you use Google effectively. You can find some of the physical books you worry about online (for sale and free).
  5. Your pals are also electronic devices – Instead of the stress of writing on paper and then entering it afterward, individuals who have laptops and pretty large phones may write directly. However, this is predilection-related since some people write on paper because it helps them think more clearly. Like me once upon a time, my laptop and I are great friends now. If you have a Google account—which is not required for high-tech users—you may use your smartphone to text on cloud documents hosted by Google Docs. If not, creating one is simple. Additionally, you may handwrite on your phone and have the Android software Google ‘Goggles’ convert it to text.
  6. Pick YOUR POPULATION LOCATION AND RESEARCH METHOD REASONABLE. Unless you enjoy traveling and have a lot of money to spend, you cannot choose a population located in a state other than the one in which your school is located. For ease of access, keep your population’s location in the same city. Additionally, let your research approach be carefully picked to complement your study topic; there is no need for complicated research techniques when your subject is straightforward.
  7. I never claimed it would be simple; successful things typically require a lot of work and effort. However, some of them may be avoided by simply visiting for fantastic project ideas or by sending us your topic and having us do the research for you. It’s that easy!

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